When You Marry a Fairy…
Today my fairy suggested that for a family outing we go steal all the electric carts at the local grocery store and race them down the aisles until we get kicked out. Though she is a fairy, she is generally … Continued
Today my fairy suggested that for a family outing we go steal all the electric carts at the local grocery store and race them down the aisles until we get kicked out. Though she is a fairy, she is generally … Continued
These are some thoughts I shared elsewhere with a friend, and am sharing here as well. Frequently, in our culture, people are looked down on for seeking attention. And I’d like to question that. That belief, that looking for attention … Continued
VALOR SHINES BRIGHTER IN THE DARK. This book was really, really good to write. It wasn’t pleasant to write sometimes: there are terrible things that happen to characters I care about, and I didn’t know how it was going to … Continued
Here’s the link:https://www.patreon.com/hallofthebard At the moment, the plan is to deliver a story through Patreon on a monthly basis. I’ll keep everybody posted on how that plan evolves and changes. Thanks!